June 29, 2007

:: So Far - [intro]

Looking back at all the previous posts; I noticed how exposed I am: naked, but not in my bed room. I dated men and never had the guts to show them my blog: I felt that they would be having the privilege of knowing too much en excès about my personal little details; I even denied linking myself to the blog when I was asked. Although I am actually dating someone; the idea of letting him visit this space could never be realised (at least till this very moment). His best friend happens to be one of ... and then God created Men! fans; and I draw a cold smile on my face whenever he relates to an event; line or just the whole feeling and warmth he gets when he is reading the blog.

I have been also asked many times about the latest details about all the mentioned guys -and I must admit; major changes happened either in my personal life or my nautika one.

Knowing that my last post was more than a month ago; and yes; I am still alive thank you for asking in all those mails; I believe I must have a pause in my blogs; update all the old news and re-launch with all the latest and left events.
During the past 6 weeks I went through serious changes in my life -as well as beliefs. I understood how we -deeply and badly hurt people in previous relationships- need to believe in ourselves; how radiant we should be and leave a little window open for a ray of light; as the Queen sang. It's so ugly when you surrender to any belief inside of you; because sooner or later that will get screwed; changed; modified; altered or simply fucked up -either by your own hands or someone else's.
As Maurice Freehill once asked: "Who is more foolish, the child afraid of the dark or the man afraid of the light?"; I believe my answer would be: neither nor; but a person who is afraid of both.

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Anonymous said...

You have never asked you dates to read your blog. That’s a waste every thing seems in order and your blog is great.


... and then God created Men! said...

Don; you see; it's about letting them getting to close into my personal life; and that really freaks me out.