There is much to be afraid of in this world. But what we fear has nothing to do with gruesome masks or plastic spiders or life-like monsters. No, it's the thoughts in our head that terrify us the most. (Shows Bree with Danielle) What if she comes to regret her decision? (Shows Susan sitting by the window watching Mike) What if he really is unhappy? (Shows Edie sitting by the window alone) What if the chance for love has passed forever? How do we conquer these terrifying thoughts? We start by reminding ourselves "What does not kill us, just makes us stronger." (Ends with a shot of Lynette, now in remission, watching her kids play).
OMG this quote is one of top favourites of DHW!
Izzie: You never know the biggest day of your life is the biggest day.
Not until it's happening, not until you're right in the middle of it.
The day you commit to something or someone. The day you get your heart broken. The day you meet your soul mate.
The day you realize there's not enough time, because you wanna live forever.
Those are the biggest days. The perfect days. You know...
Obviously I am sending Grey's anatomy instead of desperate housewives :))
As I believe this applies to persons as well , i hope you got what I mean.
You never know what life brings next so do not lose hope and be happy :))
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